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Quantum Physics: Virtual Particle

    “Visualization of Virtual Particle ( an interaction of matter and anti-matter). Virtual Particles can be generated and then annihilated in a Vacuum without breaking the conservation law of physics.”

    “The more duration of the virtual particle exists, the closer its characteristics come to those of ordinary particles.”

    Virtual Particle

    1 thought on “Quantum Physics: Virtual Particle”

    1. Virtual Particle
      Many years scientists thought that a negative solution
      is an unphysical, nonsensical answer. But after Dirac’s work
      (1928) the negative solution was accepted by scientists as
      ‘’virtual particles’’ that can appear as real particles.
      According to Dirac virtual particles have dualistic nature: E= ± mc^2
      . . . and using Uhlenbeck / Goudsmit inner (own) impulse (spin)
      they can appear as real particles: E=h*f

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