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D orbitals contain two angular nodes. Nodal Plane contains the nucleus and has no electron density. Radial Node is the spherical surface region in which… Read More »D orbital

D orbital

    Coulomb’s law is published in 1785 by the physicist Charles-Augustin de Coulomb. COULOMBS’S LAW STATES THAT THE ELECTRIC FORCE BETWEEN THE TWO CHARGES IS DIRECTLY… Read More »Coulomb’s law

    Coulomb’s law

      Max Born shared the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1954 with Walther Bothe for his probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics. Reference Source: [1] Wikipedia Contributors.… Read More »MAX BORN

      MAX BORN

        On December 14, 1900, Plack published his findings on Quantum theory in the German Physical Society. His study on black-body radiation shows that the radiation… Read More »Max Planck

        Max Planck

          David Bohm made a significant contribution to physics, particularly quantum mechanics. He developed the theory of plasma, his book “Quantum Theory” is published in the… Read More »David Bohm

          David Bohm

            In the year 1925 two physicists, Samuel Goudsmit and George Uhlenbeck proposed the concept of Electron Spin. The spin quantum number (ms) describes the angular… Read More »Electron Spin

            Electron Spin

              Raman Effect: When the light is deflected through the molecule, it scatters with the change in wavelength and frequency. C.V. Raman received Nobel Prize in… Read More »C.V. Raman

              C.V. Raman

                His most notable work is on the nature of chemical bonding.

                Linus Pauling

                  “His experiments about energy transformations were first published in 1843.” Reference Source: [1] Wikipedia Contributors. “James Prescott Joule.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 19 Sept. 2021, Accessed… Read More »James Prescott Joule

                  James Prescott Joule

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