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The Development of Quantum Theory (Article Summary)

    Michelson-Morley experiment results could be interpreted by assuming the equivalence of all inertial frames of reference and constancy of the speed of light in all frames. Albert Einstein has proved this in 1905. The special theory of relativity has completely eliminated the use of ether and implied that mass and energy are equivalent and that the speed of light is the maximum speed for all bodies possessing mass.

    The special theory of relativity has completely eliminated the use of ether. Einstein showed the connection between acceleration and gravitation extending his theory to accelerated frames of reference in 1916. The conflict that arose between Michelson and Morley about the electromagnetic phenomena was resolved by relativity.

    There was another theoretical problem concerning the explanation of the distribution of electromagnetic radiation emission from a black body: experiment results cleared that toward the ultraviolet end of the spectrum, at shorter wavelengths, energy approached zero as opposed to classical theory’s infinite energy.

    Max Planck’s quantum theory has solved this, ultraviolet catastrophe, predicament in 1900. Einstein used this quantum theory to elucidate the photoelectric effect in 1905, and Niels Bohr explained the stability of Rutherford’s nuclear atom in 1913. The new quantum mechanics developed and used by Louis de Broglie, Werner Heisenberg, Wolfgang Pauli, Erwin Schrodinger, and others became an indispensable tool in the analysis of phenomena at the atomic level.


    [1] French, Blair “The Development of Quantum Theory.” The Development of Quantum Theory. 12 Mar. 2010 10 Jan. 2021 <­Development-­of-­Quantum-­Theory&id=3919094>.

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    [1] 189748. “Fractal Art Digital – Free Image on Pixabay.”, 7 Dec. 2015, Accessed 10 Jan. 2021.

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