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Quantum Machine Learning: Empowering Classical Machine Learning (Article #1)

    Image by Oleg Gamulinskiy from Pixabay

    Quantum Machine Learning = Quantum Mechanics + Classical Machine Learning

    Quantum machine learning uses quantum algorithm instead of classical algorithm.

    Quantum Machine Learning Empowers the classical Machine Learning.

    Quantum Machine Learning uses the Quantum Learning theory

    Quantum learning theory uses the Mathematics of Quantum Generalization.

    Quantum Learning theory is more effective than classical Computer Learner.

    The one of the main goal of Quantum Learning is to reduce the learning time as compare to classical Learning.

    One of the most important Use of Quantum machine Learning is to know the “unknown quantum states”.

    Some of the Companies Uses Quantum machine Learning like D-Wave, Google etc.

    Quantum Machine Learning is still not as usual as compare to classical Machine Learning.

    Check-out Previous Article


    [1] Wikipedia Contributors. “Quantum Machine Learning.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 14 Jan. 2021, Accessed 16 Jan. 2021.

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